Audacity runs best with at least 1 GB RAM and a 1 GHz processor (2 GB RAM/2 GHz on OS X 10.7 and later and macOS). For lengthy multi-track projects, we recommend a minimum of 2 GB RAM and 2 GHz processor (4 GB RAM on OS X 10.7 and later and macOS. Audacity for mac.
The latest versions of Word defaults to 1.15 line spacing, which is good for online text but unnecessary for printed documents. Change this setting to 1 line for printed documents. Increase or Decrease Text Size of Messages in OS X El Capitan & Yosemite Nov 16, 2014 - 10 Comments The Mac Messages app has long had the ability to change the text size and font of your messages and conversations, but the adjustment functions have changed a bit in OS X El Capitan and Yosemite. To get rid of the annoying blank space in your text, almost a page in size in my case, make a left click in the paragraph that appears after the blank space (the edit cursor| should appear). Right click on the same place; from the menu that appears click on Paragraph; then click on the Line and Page Breaks tab; then uncheck 'Page break before', then click Ok.
The Typography features in Word 2011 for Mac work only on fonts that are specifically designed to support them. Very few of the fonts that are on your system now are likely to support more than one or two of these features.
To use these features, simply select some text and apply the formatting. If nothing happens when you try, the font you chose does not support the feature you tried to apply. For example, Apple Chancery and Zapfino support Ligatures. Office 2011 comes with Gabriola, a font specifically designed to take advantage of the new typography features.
Applying advanced typography on the Ribbon
The Ribbon’s new Typography group displays automatically on the Home tab when you’re using Publishing Layout view, but you can turn it on in other views by choosing it in the Ribbon preferences.
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To turn on the Typography group in the Ribbon, choose Word→Preferences and then click the Ribbon button. In the Customize area, select the Typography option. You can now find this group on the Home tab of the Ribbon.
Office 2011 has improved support for typography. If you’ve switched from Windows, you may find some additional controls that are not in Word for Windows.
The White Mask terrorist group is getting bolder and the mysterious operative known only as ‘Six’ has decided it’s time to get the old band back together.Selecting the best of the best from around the world (including the likes of the FBI and SAS) Six puts the recruits through a rigorous training regime (the main focus of the solo player element to the game) to prepare them for the inevitable upcoming attack. Rainbow six siege free key generator. Can the team work together to disarm the bomb and take out the hostile forces?Siege focuses on authentically impersonating the very best counter terrorist operatives form around the world – with the developers even going as far as consulting with some of these groups to ensure they capture the reality as best they can. Three years after it was deemed that the Rainbow Program was surplus to requirements, a recent rise in terrorist activity has seen a significant shift in attitude. As predicted that attack comes in the form of a chemical weapon planted at Bartlett University, putting thousands of people’s lives in danger.
Ligatures: The combining of two letters in a fancy way, such as the letters fi on the Ribbon.
Stylistic Set: Select some text, then click this pop-up menu. If your font supports this feature, you can choose a style.
Number Spacing: Select some numbers and choose default, proportional, or tabular.
Number Forms: Select numbers and choose default, lining, or old style. Old style is supported by many fonts.
Contextual Alternatives: When selected, displays alternative font styles based on the sentence context. Your best bet is to select text and select this check box to see what happens.
Kerning: When selected, applies kerning. By default, a font must be at least 72 points or larger for this feature to work.
Adjusting typography controls
How To Condense Text In Word For Mac
In addition to the Typography group on the Ribbon, you can select text and apply precise formatting by choosing Format→Font from the menu bar. When the Font dialog displays, click the Advanced tab. Free flash drive download.
How To Condense Text In Word For Mac Free
On the Advanced tab of the Font dialog, you can choose from the following:
Scale: Adjust using the spinner control. This option makes characters fatter or thinner.
Spacing: Choose normal, expanded, or condensed, and number of points. This option adds or removes space between characters.
Position: Choose normal, raised, or lowered, and by how many points. This can be a way to control how much subscript or superscript to apply to text.
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Kerning: Choose on or off and set the minimum number of points. Your font must support kerning to see any effect when this feature is applied.
Advanced Typography: These controls duplicate the controls found when you use the Typography group in the Ribbon.
Join Kevin Skoglund for an in-depth discussion in this video, Text editors for coding on Mac, part of Ruby on Rails 4 Essential Training. Sublime Text 2 is billed as 'a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose,' making it the only one on this list that recognizes plain old wordsmiths as worth of love from the text editing crowd too. Best free music download mac. Unlike Microsoft’s built-in text editor (Notepad), gedit is a more feature-packed text editor geared towards usage for programming and mark-up. With its syntax highlighting, tabbed interface for editing multiple files, and spell-checking feature – gedit is an excellent, free text editor for coders. Vim is one of the older, and also more popular coding text editors in Linux. It’s open source and famous for being text-controllable. In other words, it hasn’t got a Graphical User Interface by default. MacVim is a port of Vim to the Mac OS X platform. Mac text editor for coding free.